Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Week After My Surgery

Tuesday June 28, 2016
Today I woke up a 7:00 for my meds than fell back asleep and didn’t wake up until 11:00, just in time for my meds again. I have been waking up late even though I go to bed a 11:00 or so every night. I guess my body just needs a lot of sleep to heal. A lovely lady from church came and gave me a chocolate milkshake from Cookout. My  mom made spaghetti for me and ground it up a ton to the consistency of apple sauce, I know it looks gross but trust me it was delicious. I have really missed "real" food! I started working on a 4000 word Extended Essay I have to write this summer. Also, mom and I watched Hamlet, the movie, one of the many versions. We are about to go on a walk. I feel great. My upper lip and bottom of my nose are still numb and a little swollen. During the movie I put heat on my face and rubbed it a bit. I can’t really tell a difference when I do it but that is what the doctor told me to do. Often I have weird tingly and itchy feelings in my cheeks and face but my dad just says that is the numbness wearing off. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I am hoping for good news! He may say I do not have to wear the bands any more which would be great as they are just a pain!

My mom made me blended Spaghetti. 

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